Vitakraft Australian Parrot Food 750g

Vitakraft Australian Parrot Food 750g - Pet Products R Us


£ 4.99  

No added sugar
No artificial flavourings
No artificial colouring or preservatives

Home country food, naturally good!

Varied treat feed with the best of Australian nature, the original homeland of many cockatiels. This species-appropriate mixture of tasty natural ingredients, such as kiwi, eucalyptus and elderberries is put together with love and guarantees optimal all round nutrition for the bird.

Feeding instructions: 1 - 2 tablespoons per animal per day.

Complete pet food for Australian cockatiels.

Composition: Cereals, seeds (softwood seeds 0.9%), minerals (stomach gravel 3%), fruits (dried elderberries 3%, dried kiwi 0.4%), chopped eucalyptus leaves 1%, vegetables, vegetables protein extracts, derivatives of vegetable origin, yeasts (beta glucans 90mg/kg).

Keep dry and cool.

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